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Software for Last Digit Analysis in Lotto, Lottery

Mostly by Ion Saliu, Founder of Lottery Mathematics

Read about lotto software, lottery software to win with last-digit strategies.

Lotto software for last-digit strategies is hot but last digits are static lottery filters.

I. Software for Last Digit Analyses in Lotto
II. Piracy and Custom Lottery Software
III. Lotto Decades vs. Last Digits of Lotto Numbers
IV. Mutual Benefit and Custom Software Creations
V. Last-Digits of Lotto Numbers in Combinations
VI. Get Your Last Digits Lotto Software by Sharing in Social Media

Lotto combinations with the same last digits are streaky and repeat after many, many draws.

I. Software for Last Digit Analyses in Lotto: Ion Saliu's Start-Answer

I'm sure you got the answer to your question by now, inquisitively axiomatic colleague of mine. I don't even understand what kind of analyses could be done to digits in the last position. Besides, it is yet another static filter. My software already has plenty of them, including lotto decades.

Many lottery players think of the ideal situation: All numbers in a lotto combination end with the same digit; e.g. 9, 19, 29, 39, 49. In a 6/49 lotto you can't have all 6 numbers ending in the same digit. Then, you'll have a fixed amount of combinations, always the same lotto combosnations for a particular string of last digits.

There are 10 digits and 5 groups (decades). C(10, 5) = 252. Then, we need to combine the 5 numbers from one decade with one number from every decade not included in the first iteration. 252 * 9 = 2268. And, finally we multiply by the number of digits: 22680. You have to apply dynamic filters to reduce the amount of lotto numbers further.This is a very rare situation! Personally, I haven't seen one like it.

MDIEditor and Lotto WE applies somehow the last digits in the INNER filters, but that's invisible to the user. Bottom line: You won't see jackpot lotto combinations like 3, 13, 23, 33, 43. In pick lottery games, however, MDIEditor and Lotto WE can generate straight sets such as 3,3,3.

Download your lotto software to create lottery systems based on last digits.

II. Piracy and Custom Lottery Software

Nothing personal, but I know that quite a few suckers take advantage of lottery players and my software. The pirates claim they are using their own software, but only online!!! Something similar happened with pirates of one of my roulette systems and software.

It is beyond any doubt that only my lotto software works comprehensively and correctly with odd-even, low-high, sums, lotto decades. AND ONLY MY SOFTWARE IS CAPABLE OF LIE ELIMINATION — NOT-NOT-WIN TO WIN. In fact, I am in a potential legal process on the grounds of illegal usage of my software. I haven't received proper licensing fees and I have not expressly approved the usage of my lottery software in a group of players. I caught two other piracy acts just a couple of months ago (on eBay and in India).

It is unfortunate that even loyal users of my software (good people also) turn a blind eye to piracy acts. It is not enough to just bring to my attention the abuse of my software and other creations — although I sincerely appreciate the information. It would be a sign of great character to point out the piracy right at the source. I don't mean to antagonize the forum or community by using the piracy accusation. Everything could be expressed mildly: “That looks like Ion Saliu's system or software. I know it firsthand…” Some people of great character do just that.

This request for lotto software to handle last digits and other groups of static numbers originates in entities who want to use my software incognito, in the shadow, and illegally. Again, nothing personal with the original poster. But I do know how badly some guys want certain software that I am the only one capable of writing (in the short term, at least).

They are trying to kokostirk me again! They kokostirked me one-too-many times already! I do the dirty work for free, while they want to take credit and reap the rewards. The original kokostirk claimed in forums that his software was able to generate a list of missing pairs, but only as a sideshow! So, he went to such lengths as to promise users of his software of emailing them such lists for free! In fact, he used my software to generate such lists! One person even emailed me about it, although I knew about that. Users of kokostirk's software wanted to generate such lists themselves using the software they had paid for! But kokostirk's software lacked the feature!

I made a big mistake in 2011 when I wrote and released lotto software for those static groups of numbers (odd/even, low/high, sums, decades). I should have been consistent and consider such requests as requests for custom software. I don't think that the $1000 fee I once mentioned is the most expensive out there. If you search the Internet on programmers for hire, you'll find that they charge upwards of $500 … per hour! And they charge for a minimum of 10 hours! Who doesn't like my fee: Hire an aforementioned programmer! Better still, try to write the software yourself with a little help from your friends!

Plus, a fee in the neighborhood of $1000 would seriously discourage spreading or using my software for free!

Each lotto number in a combination can be converted to one last-digit from 0 to 9.

III. Lotto Decades vs. Last Digits of Lotto Numbers

I figured out the general picture of last digit lottery software. It is very much like the decades, which are already very well covered in my software. For example, in 6/49 lotto there is the following 10 last-digit groups:

0 10 20 30 40
1 11 21 31 41
2 12 22 32 42
3 13 23 33 43
4 14 24 34 44
5 15 25 35 45
6 16 26 36 46
7 17 27 37 47
8 18 28 38 48
9 19 29 39 49

In red: a sample draw 1, 12, 14, 22, 29, 34.

The last digits filters expressed as in my lotto decades software would be: 0-1-2-0-2-0-0-0-0-1. Total combosnations generated by the strategy: C(5, 1) * C(5, 2) * C(5, 2) * C(5, 1) = 2500.

And here is how they kokostirk me. They would generate combinations by running my lotto software — for no other software generates lotto combosnations properly. Then, the “smart” kokostirks apply the LIE elimination function in my software — for no other lotto software will have such a feature in a hundred years. They decide that the 2500 lotto combinations generated by a strategy as in the example above will NOT contain a single line with 4 (even 3 sometimes) winning numbers the very next lottery drawing. So, they apply the LIE elimination with the filter ID4 (or ID3 sometimes). Playing in that manner does lead to a profit!

If we look at the matrix vertically, we got the good old decades! The lotto decade strategy would read: 1-2-2-1-0. Total combosnations generated by the lotto-decade strategy: C(9, 1) * C(10, 2) * C(10, 2) * C(10, 1) = 182500.

But how many lotto combinations are generated if we apply both strategies simultaneously? Evidently, the result is the intersection of the two groups: the last digits group and the lotto decades group. We can no longer apply a formula, but an algorithm. The best home for algorithms is dedicated software.

Let's take the odd / even “filters”. We apply a clear formula to calculate total 6/49 lotto combosnations for 3-odd AND 3-even = 4,655,200. The same amount for 3-low AND 3-high = 4,655,200. We can only apply an algorithm to “calculate” the intersection of the two groups. (3-odd AND 3-even) AND (3-low AND 3-high) = 1,532,168.

If people believe so much in last digits in lotto, they could request custom software as per the link in my previous post. Or, they could try finding other programmers for hire. 'Cuz, right now, I hate the idea some people, most of them suckers, trying to kokostirk me again…

Applying lottery strategies based on last digits generates very few lotto combinations.

IV. Mutual Benefit and Custom Software Creations

Is the fee for custom software too high? Yes — compared to the rest of the lottery software out there. But the rest of the lottery software out there accomplishes very little. That's why lottery players and software developers alike always resort to my software!

As ColinP said, very few lottery players will pay me such a fee. But I can make it fair for people of great character. As I said in another post, there are people of great character who act in fairness without my asking for favors. They have complained when they encountered blunt acts of piracy against my software, systems, or theories. There have been cases on eBay, or in other forums. That much talked about case of the piracy of my Super Roulette Strategy has been brought to my attention by a couple of honest gamblers. The situation repeated this year (2012) when the potential piracy against my Super Roulette Strategy was raised in an Australian roulette forum.

Founder of lottery mathematics created the best software to work with last digits of lotto numbers.

V. Last-Digits of Lotto Numbers in Combinations

The last-digit filters are best integrated with lotto decades reporting and filtering. Since there is interest in the two types of lotto filters, I've done some initial research with programming.

The following report is for the 5 of 43 lotto game played in the Pennsylvania Lottery. The report shows with guaranteed precision the distribution of the lotto decades and the last-digits for every lottery drawing.

The report also shows the exact number of 5/43 lotto combinations for the structure of the lotto decades and also the distribution of the last digits. If you think the calculations are wrong, keep in mind the number of the actual amount of lotto numbers in a particular decade. For, example in line 20, total combinations is listed 2160, even though there are 2 numbers from the 40-49 lotto “decade”. That “decade” is incomplete; it has only 4 lotto numbers, from 40 to 43.

For example a strategy with the filters in line #1 — for both decades and last-digits — generates a total of 12 lotto 5/43 combinations. It is the intersection of 4800 (lotto decades combos) and 1600 (total lotto combinations remaining from the last-digits filter).

Nonetheless, the mixture of lotto decades and last-digit filters is best suited for the LIE elimination feature of my lottery software. The reason: These are NOT real lottery filters, but groups of numbers. I call them politely static filters (as opposed to the real lottery filters I named dynamic filters). The nicely-named lotto strategies based on groups of numbers (such as lotto decades and last-digits) are very streaky. You won't see a strategy-repeat in the sample report (but generated from real-life data). Therefore, LIE-eliminate all lotto combinations generated by the decades+last-digits strategies in the last hundreds (if not thousands) of past drawings. Some of them strategies won't repeat even 3 (LieID3), or even 2 (LieID2), lotto numbers at times…

Lottery software generates reports for lottery decades, last digits in lotto, odd even, low high.

VI. Get Your Last Digits Lotto Software by Sharing in Social Media

Digitally-Axiomatic Colleagues of Mine:

You read in one of my previous posts about the availability of lotto software based on last-digits. My Bright software did not have such a feature, which I consider to be based on static (fixed) filters. One user of my software asked that I incorporate last-digit analysis in my lotto software.

I make an experiment here. I added the new feature to SkipDecaFreq6, the former Lotto Decades module. I expanded also the number of decades to 10, the same as the amount of last digits. That way, the decade feature can cover the toughest of them all 6-number lotto games: Italy's SuperEnalotto (6 of 90!!!) It must be Mafia who runs such a lottery with 3 drawings a week! BRRRRRRRRAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

Here is a fragment of the report (DE6.1) for decades and last-digits.

Lottery software generates reports for lottery decades, last digits in lotto, odd even, low high.

There are those extremely-low values for the combinations in some last-digit situations; e.g. 100 in the last column. Such situations are extremely tempting to the lotto players. In fact, when applying the filter in conjunction with the lotto decades filters in the same drawing (e.g. line #79 with 405000 combinations), the final result is just 8 combinations to play!

The players, however, love to close their eyes! They don't want to know that the static (fixed) filters are extremely streaky!!! I know, some lottery players feel so strongly about their “filters” that they would check for hundreds (if not) thousands of lotto drawings. The players are willing to wait years for their static filters to come to life!

You'll see here a screenshot of the new program. There is an option to Edit/View Files in Notepad++. It is a free editor that I strongly recommend. Among many other qualities, the Notepad++ editor displays nicely large reports, with many columns (like DE6.1 above). Download and run the editor freely:

The editor must be installed in this folder in order to run automatically:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++

Otherwise, you can just use Window Notepad to view/edit your test files.

Lotto software creates systems from last digits, lotto decades, skips of lottery numbers.

Download your lottery software to create lotto systems based on last digits of numbers.

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