I. Acts of Piracy Also Come from So-Called Reputable Organizations like Wikipedia
II. Wikipedia Opposes, Fights Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)
I. Acts of Piracy Also Come from So-Called Reputable Organizations like Wikipedia
It is really disturbing! You probably don't know the feeling IF you don't create anything that fits into the category of… creation! If you don't write software or publish original ideas on the Internet — you don't know the feeling.
I've written quite a bit about piracy and/or plagiarism of my ideas, theories, software, systems. Honestly, I believe I am the most pirated and plagiarized author in history! There are so many cases, they are countless! I have presented some at my Web site or in my forums. The effect is that some pirates get scared, or the authorities scare them — and the acts of piracy or plagiarism disappear. But new cases come to life, dammit!
The most disturbing act in my book is piracy committed by so-considered reputable organizations. I exposed piracy by those so-called reputable authorities, like Wikipedia.
I wrote the last word on gambler's fallacy and the reversed gambler's fallacy. Wikipedia has already pirated the new concept reversed gambler's fallacy. But they did the same thing after I wrote the last word on the Reversed Birthday Paradox. The software I wrote, which is still unique, has a function named… well… Reversed Birthday Paradox!
Soon after I published my glorious page on Theory of Probability, Ion Saliu Paradox (in 2004), the adverse reactions were instantaneous. I even received multiple hostile emails from the same individual! Basically, they considered my 1/e discovery as idiocy! “You are mathematically challenged”, they were cursing! Guess, what? I saw in 2012 an edited page of Wikipedia (e constant) where my discovery is considered now correct mathematics. Of course, they do not give me credit for that. Nor do they demonstrate mathematically the 1/e relation — because they don't know the demonstration (as of March 21, 2012)!
You can see the mathematical proof right here, for the first time. I created a PDF file with nicely formatted equations:
Regarding the Mathematics of Ion Saliu Paradox page – A couple thousand page views came from Wikipedia in one day. They really wanted proof of the correctness of 1/e calculations.
II. Wikipedia Opposes, Fights Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)
No wonder Wikipedia so vehemently opposes a bill introduced in the House Judiciary Committee of the U.S. Congress (2011)! The bill is known as Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). Simply, Wikipedia cannot live without piracy. Why don't they, Wikipedians, just give proper credit to the legitimate authors?!
In December of 2011, Wikipedia threatened to temporarily shut down in protest against new U.S. laws designed to crack down online piracy. Wikipedia threatens to halt the progress of the Stop Online Piracy Act through U.S. Congress.
Supporters of the Bill argue it will protect copyright holders from pirate websites that circumvent existing laws. The so-called old media (e.g. Motion Picture Association of America) fight in favor of new anti-piracy legislation.
The so-called new media (i.e. online publishers, publishing Web sites) strongly oppose SOPA. Piracy and plagiarism are rampant on the Internet. I said on numerous occasions that I am one of the most pirated and plagiarized author in history. I believe many an author feel the same way.
The Internet offers the highest speed in the flow of information. It is very, very easy and fast to come across just about any possible kind of information. The crooks, albeit in a tiny proportion of the human species, will acquire immediately information created by others. Nothing wrong with that! But the criminal nature inherent to human species cause the crooks to claim ownership over other people's creations. In my case, I have been shocked to discover that my creations have been pirated or plagiarized ad litteram! Not even the little effort to change a sentence or two!!
Instead of fighting the anti-piracy laws, Wikipedia should make a more serious effort to lift the character of some of their editors. Some of their editors belong to the category known as lowlifes. The lowlifes behave as if only to satisfy their visceral desires. The lowlifes steal and also hate. The Internet is notorious for so-called flaring. In truth, it is intense hatred. People hate and threaten on the Internet helped by cowardice. The hater is not physically close to the hatees, therefore there is no danger.
I've had my share of being target to hatred in public places of the Cyber World. I mean, I have been subjected to the most intense hatred! Meanwhile, just about everything I say or create turns, almost automatically, into sources of piracy or plagiarism.
There is one intense hater of mine in newsgroups. But despite his hatred towards me, he simply can't live without me! There were a few incidents when he shamelessly posted source code in lexicographical ordering without giving me credit for what was due. When posed with facts, he claimed he was not around when I posted the original source code a couple of years earlier! I suspect that lowlife wrote a pirated article in Wikipedia (at least one). He faithfully visits my website and follows everything I write. Then, he goes public places and pirates my ideas, or concepts, or software. My software is the hardest to pirate as I do not reveal the source code of most of my creations.
Of course, humanity would benefit more tremendously if all ideas are made public, including the software source code. Unfortunately, because of piracy, most legitimate creators or authors keep secret ideas or source code. The pirates are a serious obstacle in the way of human advancement. The pirates should be severely punished in order to eliminate the obstacle created by piracy.
Wikipedia blackmails humanity by threatening to shut down if the U.S. Congress passes SOPA or other tough anti-piracy legislation. That's shameless blackmail! Why would honest humans be afraid of laws that fight crime?
Organized crime has always opposed the law and punishment of crime. The mobsters claim that they do Good Samaritan work. They protect the community; they help the poor and the orphans, etc. But do not judge the means! "The end justifies the means"!
Indeed, Wikipedia serves a good purpose. But the end should not be achieved by any means. Piracy is not an acceptable tool to achieve a high goal. If they don't take serious measures to eliminate piracy in their publishing — I say, with regret, Shut Wikipedia down for good! People can find all honest information they want to know about — without the need for pirated versions. Just a little search is needed. Matter of fact, Wikipedia corrupts Internet searching because of its reputation (and the .org extension). As I showed in an example, a Wikipedia page was listed at position #1 — although it had no content at all… only 3 links unrelated to the real concept (degree of certainty)!