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The Forums at SALIU.COM Are Closed for Good ~
Best Pages Were Saved: Gambling, Lottery, Software, Systems, Powerball, Mega Millions, Blackjack, Roulette, Horse Racing, Sports Betting, Casino Wars, Politics, Computing

By Ion Saliu,
Founder of Gambling Mathematics, Lottery Mathematics, Founder of Randomness Philosophy

One of the all-time best online communities is still available for searching and reading: Parpaluck forum.

Forums closed gambling, lottery, software, Powerball, Mega Millions, blackjack, roulette, horses.

I. Posts and Pages Salvaged from SALIU.COM Forums; New Articles
II. Reasons of Closure to Super Forums, Legal Battles, Bogus Copyright Infringement Complaints

Closure to Super Forums caused by a mean legal incident by an insanely jealous gambling competitor.

I. Saved Pages from Super Forum and New Writings on
Gambling, Lottery, Software, Systems, Powerball, Mega Millions, Blackjack, Roulette, Horse Racing, Sports Betting, Casino Wars, Politics, Computing

Artificial Intelligence, AI Essay: Ion Saliu's Philosophy of Politics

AI-generated essay on: Ion Saliu, Divine Proportion, Golden Ratio, Golden Number

Artificial Intelligence, AI Chatbots, Ion Saliu

Lottery Triples Strategy with Playing Lotto Wheels

Neural Networking, Neural Networks, AI in Lottery, Lotto: Strategies, Systems, Software, History

The Keyboard Types Wrong, Incorrect Characters, Letters in Browsers: Definitive Solutions

The Best Ever Lottery Strategy, Lotto Strategies

The Lord Chose Donald Trump for The White House to Fulfill the Armageddon Prophesy

Blackjack Card Counting Systems, Total Count, All Cards Dealt

Theory of Skips: Gambling, Lottery, Software, Strategies, Systems Based on Skips, Streaks

The Best Strategy for Lottery, Gambling, Sports Betting, Horse Racing, Blackjack, Roulette. There Is Nothing Without Mathematics… Not Even Nothingness Itself.

Apache Roulette Systems Based on Skips

The Best Blackjack Basic Strategy: Free Cards, Charts

New Casino Games by Ion Saliu: Parpaluck Blackjack

Blackjack Mathematics, Card Counting Cult, Gambling Systems, Deception, Fraud

Mathematics of Blackjack Insurance Betting Favorable to All Players

Orlando, Florida 2016: The Worst Mass-Murder Event in American History

Google Search Analytics of SALIU.COM Website in March 2016

San Bernardino, CA, Mass Shootings, December 2, 2015 — Terrorism or Mass Murder?

Online Fantasy (American) Football — Multi-Billion Dollar Fraud?

Microsoft Windows 10 Upgrade Ridden by Serious Problems, Errors, Issues

  • The following 5 Web pages introduce and present the Ultimate Software for pick 3 4, lotto 5 6, horse racing trifectas. It seems just about impossible to improve on these outstanding pieces of software… in the near future, anyway.

    Ron Paul Ought to Be Investigated by the SEC and FBI for False Statements Leading to the Stock Market Crash of August 2015

    LIE Elimination: Lottery, Lotto Strategy in Reverse for Pairs, Number Frequency

    Reversed Lottery Strategy for Lotto Decades, Last Digits, Odd Even, Low High, Skips

    Markov Chains, Followers, Pairs, Lottery, Lotto, Software

    Theory, Analysis of Deltas in Horse Races, Lotto, Lottery Software, Strategy, Systems

    Random Crashes to a Randomly Colored Screen, Computer Shuts Down Itself

    An Interesting Gambling Game Similar to Blackjack and Poker: Ceamciuge

  • Ceamciuge, from probably Gypsy Romanian is pronounced chumchewjeh in English. The heads-up players use the fingers of one hand to get a count of 21 or less. An interesting mixture of blackjack with poker psychological warfare.

    Insane Islamic Fanatics Massacred the French Magazine CHARLIE HEBDO; Facebook Beheaded My Freedom of Speech

    Gambling, Lottery, Software, Systems, Theory, Judges Appreciation

    9/11 Conspiracy Theories Represent GROTESQUE INSANITY

    Acts of Piracy, Including by Wikipedia, Targeting Ion Saliu's Intellectual Property

    Intent to Disrupt by Disgruntled Members, Pirates, Haters, Jealousy Attackers

    Cults of Pseudo-Random Numbers, Gambler's Fallacy, Casino War, Sic Bo, Strategies

    Computerized Lottery Drawings: Reason for Concern?

    Fundamental Formula of Gambling FFG Pirated on eBay

    Excel Betting Spreadsheets for NFL, NBA Games ~ Bet Spreadsheet SPORTS.XLS Pirated at Microsoft Office Site!

    Steve Player's Piracy of Lottery WONDER GRID

    Even State Lotteries Intimidating Gambling Developers?!

    Live Roulette, Issues of Online Gambling, Betting

    Test Drawings Conducted by Lottery Commissions Have No Real Effects on Software, Systems, Strategies

    Lotto Software for Last Digit Analysis in Lottery

    Inadvertent or Conscious Display Rotation in Windows 7, 8

    TWO DICE & NINE CARDS Game, Puzzle: Odds, Probabilities, Strategy

    Super Roulette Strategy Is a Collection of Free Roulette Gambling Systems

    NFL, American Professional Football Predictions Week by Week

    Lotto Frequency Strategy Efficiency Is Overestimated

    Bingo — Strategy, Systems, Software

    Prediction, Gambling with Astrology, Astronomy, Geography

    "The Start Is the Hardest Part" * in Lottery Strategies; Manage Lottery Data Files (Drawings, Past Winning Numbers)

    Lottery Strategy by Lotto Software on Positional Frequency

    Results, Winning Horse Numbers in Triple Crown: Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes, Belmont Stakes

    Lotto Software Programs to Generate Groups of Numbers ~ Odd, Even, Low, High

    Formulas to Calculate Probability (Odds) for a Blackjack or Natural 21, plus Insurance Bet

    Software to Generate 1X2 Systems Combinations for Football Soccer Pools

    Casino War Strategy, Casino Wars Strategies

    Gambler's Fallacy — Why Not Reversed Gambler's Fallacy as Well?

    Random Number Generation, Statistical Tests for Randomness

    Greatly Improved Shuffle Software to Randomize, Shuffle Numbers, Text, Files

    * Title of a song by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers.

    Download software for lottery, gambling, Powerball, Mega Millions, blackjack, roulette, sport bet.

    II. Closing the Super Forums, Legal Battles, Bogus Copyright Infringement Complaints

    Yes, I had very good reasons to name the documents you found here Super Forums for Gambling, Lottery, Software, Systems, Powerball, Mega Millions, Blackjack, Roulette, Horse Racing, Sport Betting.

    Many visitors agreed with me. I did most of the writing, but other members contributed valuable materials. Indeed, I was very serious about publishing in the Super Forums. I had very high standards. Quite a few posts were deleted on the grounds of low quality (content and formatting as well).

    The Super Forums came to an end in March of 2014, soon after my… birthday (March 9)! I had to move to a new Web host due to an event I'll describe later on. I thought it was easy to use a fresh backup of the MySQL database that ran the forums. The file has a large size and couldn't be imported. That importing operation is really painstaking and I failed every time. It wasn't easy when I checked other Web hosting companies.

    Therefore I decided to abandon forum publishing altogether. I just can't do it anymore. The longer a forum is active the greater the difficulties. Not to mention that moving to other hosting outlet turns into a nightmare. And I don't like the idea of being like a slave of a Web host!

    Norman Wattenberger filed a bogus Takedown Notice of Copyright Infringement complaint vs Ion Saliu.

    The issue that made me abandon Web host was caused by a bogus copyright takedown. A gambling author, Norman Wattenberger, had an obsession with me since I wrote negatively about his gambling theories in 1999. Yes, 1999! He had tried unsuccessfully to make me remove the Web page where I wrote about his theories. But it was him who started the fire — I hadn't known him before he started his attacks via email!

    His complaint of copyright infringement had no merit. I exercised my freedom of speech in compliance with the fair use provision of the United States Copyright Act. On the other hand, it is very important for me to stress the validity of my theory by presenting strong attacks from others. It is about validity and invalidity in mathematical terms.

    In March 2014, he found a legal "expert" at my old Web host. The "expert" took down my entire Website immediately! The "copyright infringement complainant" keeps trying to bring my site down! He complained again, to my new Web host as well. But this time it was clear I did NOT commit the crime of copyright infringement. He's done the same thing to other site owners.

    My Web page is my creation and I did not steal anybody's materials. In truth, the complaint is triggered by criticism. The gambling author regrets his ideas as possibly people laugh at him now. He has had issues with other Web publishers as well.

    The administrator of another forum has had also issues with the same person I exposed on one of my Web pages. The administrator simply informed the members that Norman Wattenberger had banned him because of unspecified violations. The complaining-bound gambling author not only filed DMCA Takedown Notices; not only did he send cease-and-desist letters to the forum administrator (and his associates). Norman Wattenberger also asked Google to do something to their search algorithms and remove the appearance of the negative forum on the first page of search results!

    As the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) stressed: "Copyright claimants are increasingly misusing the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) to demand that material be immediately taken down without providing any proof of infringement. Service providers fearful of monetary damages and legal hassles often comply with these requests without double-checking them despite the cost to free speech and individual rights." Negative opinions are taken down simply because they are negative!

    Many legal experts, real ones, decry the "chilling effects" of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) of 2002. It scares many companies, organizations, or individuals, of copyright infringement complaints. Instead of being involved in legal battles, it is much easier to take down a Web site, or YouTube video! But the law offers very good protection — there have been counter-cases in courts. The takedowns were reversed more often than not — with compensatory and punitive damages as well!

    Here is the "famous" page that triggered the obsessive rage of a bitter "author" in the gambling field:

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